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Risk management development projects

Digital security

Dislocating Promises

How Digitization Organizes and How Organizations Digitize in Fire Safety

This project is being executed as an industial PhD in association with the University of Copenhagen. The project focuses on the digitisation of fire safety and the development of digital tools and expert systems.
Project lead
Mette Marie V. Karsten
Lead Anthropologist (PhD)

The project ran from: 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020. Read more
Documented fire safety

Documented fire safety

DBI will develop and strengthen the technological infrastructure and the technological services for the documentation of the fire safety and fireproof design of components and systems for use in buildings or ships. The aim is to give Danish companies easy access to the latest knowledge concerning fireproof design, as well as fire testing, to document compliance with the statutory requirements.
Project lead
Carsten Damgaard
R&D Director

The project ran from: 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 Read more
Decision-making support for easy digital project design of fire safety

Decision-making support for easy digital project design of fire safety

The aim is to contribute to increasing the construction sector's productivity by digitising the processes for the project design of fireproofing. This is a focus area for companies, as well as organisations and authorities. Today, project design companies often have to involve expensive and time-consuming external expertise.
Project lead
Claus Langhoff
Project Manager

The project ran from: 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 Read more
Technical fire prototype laboratory for new construction products

Technical fire prototype laboratory for new construction products

DBI wishes to develop a new technological service which will increase accuracy, minimise costs and shorten the time-to-market when new construction products need to undergo fire testing. The aim is to enhance producers' competitiveness and exports, and to support the creation of new workplaces.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2018 Read more
Course: cybersecurity and social engineering

Course: cybersecurity and social engineering

The project comprises collaboration between DBI and KEA to develop two courses in cybersecurity. The content will span from the human factors in Social Engineering, to physical security with electronic surveillance, locks and door alarms.
Project lead
Sarah Fabricius
UX Designer

The project ran from: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018 Read more
Network for special detection of fires

Network for special detection of fires

In this project, DBI collaborates with the marine engineering colleges in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Fredericia to create a network that involves education, GTS and business. The aim is to share knowledge and needs, and promote innovation for the special detectors of the future.
Project lead
Aleksander Vangsgaard

The project ran from: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018 Read more


The aim of the DOGANA project is to define organisations' vulnerability to Social Engineering (SE) and also to reduce the risks related to Social Engineering.
The project ran from: 1 September 2015 to 31 August 2018 Read more
Improver develops guidelines and methods to make critical infrastructures more resilient in the face of a disaster.


The aim of the project is to develop guidelines and methods to make critical infrastructures more resilient in the face of a disaster.
The project runs from: 1 June 2015 to 30 September 2018 Read more
Numerical modelling of facade systems in fire to assist certification testing

Numerical modelling of facade systems in fire to assist certification testing

This industrial postdoc is taking place in collaboration with Lund University. The aim of the project is to develop a numerical model to assess façade systems' performance in the event of fire.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 June 2017 to 31 May 2018 Read more
Trailer cat

Trailer cat

The aim is to reduce costs for trailers by 50%, and a 70% reduction of CO2 emissions per trailer. In addition, the market must be analysed and a business case developed. This will serve as a good basis for negotiation between partners, customers, ports, shipyards, ministries, etc.
Project lead
Carsten Møller
Senior Business Developer Maritime

The project ran from: 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2018 Read more
Fire Forecaster

Fire Forecaster

The aim of this project is to use the concept of artificial neural networks and historical fire testing data sets as input parameters to build up a forecasting model to define the fire resistance of a maritime bulkhead exposed to a standard fire from one side.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 February 2017 to 1 February 2018 Read more
Façade Fire Assessment Tool


The aim of the FFAT (Façade Fire Assessment Tool) project is to help producers to overcome the existing legislative barriers to fire safety by launching the first commercial tool to assess façade elements' potential to achieve European and Asian test certification.
Project lead
Aleksander Vangsgaard

The project ran from: 1 December 2016 to 30 November 2017 Read more
Facade testing

Facade testing

The project covers the development of a new testing method for the phases of a fire, with focus on the need to reduce the testing scale and to use performance-based assessments.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 November 2016 to 1 November 2017 Read more
Fire detect

Fire detect

Fire Detect's aim is to develop and test an innovative and secure fire detection system based on new and advanced laser technology. The system will be able to identify very small temperature increases at a very early stage of a fire, ensuring early and reliable detection of fires.
Project lead
Aleksander Vangsgaard

The project ran from: 1 November 2014 to 31 October 2017 Read more
Smoke and toxicity at sea

Smoke and toxicity at sea

The project's overall purpose is to achieve a basis for a future Danish strategy for FRP components for maritime construction. This will be achieved by documenting any safety risks in relation to the smoke emissions of approved FRP products. The project's results will hereby contribute to strengthening fire safety on vessels with FRP components.
Project lead
Lene S. Kristensen
Reaction to Fire Engineer

The project ran from: 1 August 2016 to 30 September 2017 Read more
Project Fire Causes

Project Fire Causes

The purpose of the Project Fire Causes was to achieve improved fire safety in private homes. The project mapped out the data that was registered in relation to building fire by a number of key players and gathered knowledge that was outside the scope of the registration systems for the causes of fires and the risk behaviour of damaged building elements etc.
Project lead
Carsten Møller
Senior Business Developer Maritime

The project ran from: 01 October 2015 to 31 December 2016. Read more
Fire Tools

Fire Tools

The aim of the project is to create computer simulation tools, methods and models to make optimum use of the traditional expensive and time-consuming fire testing.
Project lead
Dan H. Lauridsen
Innovation consultant

The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2016 Read more
The InnoBYG Spire Project: The fire effect of bio-based facade systems

The InnoBYG Spire Project: The fire effect of bio-based facade systems

The purpose of the project was to illustrate and document the contextual fire safety of selected facade systems constructed with bio-based materials with a view to achieving a greater area of application.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016. Read more


The purpose of the COMPASS project was to facilitate the design process for passenger vessels in lightweight composites for shipyards, suppliers and shipping companies. The purpose was also to facilitate the approval process for civil vessels with lightweight composite components.
Project lead
Carsten Møller
Senior Business Developer Maritime

The project ran from: 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2016 Read more
The InnoBYG Spire Project: Densified construction with light materials

The InnoBYG Spire Project: Densified construction with light materials

The InnoBYG Spire Project: "Densification of construction using light construction systems with timber load-bearing elements" has worked on the subject by gathering knowledge from external contributors for, and by producing a catalogue of examples of the densification of an existing stock of buildings.
The project ran from: 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2015. Read more
Social Engineering and Vulnerability Assessment Framework (SAVE)

Social Engineering and Vulnerability Assessment Framework (SAVE)

The aim of the project was to show that Social Engineering is a threat to the critical infrastructure in Denmark, and also to make recommendations for handling this risk.
The project ran from: 1 June 2015 to 31 December 2015 Read more
Stronger technical security infrastructure

Stronger technical security infrastructure

The aim of the project was to strengthen Denmark's technical security infrastructure
Project lead
Carsten Damgaard
R&D Director

The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015 Read more
MAT - Risk assessment of new materials

MAT - Risk assessment of new materials

The purpose of the project was to promote the introduction of new materials in the construction industry and 'Blue Denmark' without compromising fire safety.
Project lead
Claus Langhoff
Project Manager

The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015 Read more
BIS - Fire technology innovation support

BIS - Fire technology innovation support

The purpose of the project was to make leading fire technology knowledge and laboratory facilities available to Danish companies.
Project lead
Carsten Damgaard
R&D Director

The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015 Read more


The aim of the development of the new sensor technology is to meet the need to improve the sensors' reaction time and sensitivity, and thereby reduce the costs and damage due to fire.
The project ran from: 1 September 2013 to 31 September 2015 Read more


The aim of the project was to gain an overview of and disseminate the knowledge available concerning commercial ship construction in FRP, by involving relevant operators in the maritime value chain.
Project lead
Carsten Møller
Senior Business Developer Maritime

The project ran from: 1 April to 30 June 2015 Read more


The aim of the project was to develop a data model to help the emergency services to communicate better. The project focused on symbols exchanged on maps. For example, the symbol for fire can vary from country to country.
The project ran from: 1 February 2012 to 1 January 2015 Read more
The InnoBYG project "Fire and construction materials"

The InnoBYG project "Fire and construction materials"

The purpose of the project was to build up and disseminate knowledge on how construction materials with weak fire technical properties, for example, plastic and foam materials, can be used while taking account of fire safety in the building.
Project lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design

The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013 Read more
SOS project

SOS project

The aim of the project was to develop business and growth through ICT-based services, and to disseminate the technologies and working methods to other sectors.
The project ran from: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012 Read more