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The InnoBYG Spire Project: Densified construction with light materials

The Spire Project was executed in collaboration with CINARK - The Centre for Industrial Architecture. The InnoBYG Spire Project: "Densification of construction using light construction systems with timber load-bearing elements" has worked on the subject by gathering knowledge from external contributors on the theme day "Rethink timber as a load-bearing construction element in high-rise buildings", and by producing a catalogue of examples of the densification of an existing stock of buildings. The catalogue with examples is the result of a workshop held by CINARK with the participation of students and professional architects and engineers.

One of the major challenges facing large-scale construction is breaking away from traditional fire safety regulations in Denmark so that it is once again generally acceptable for buildings of four or more storeys to fully or partially have timber load-bearing construction elements without these buildings necessarily being regarded as "fire hazards".

A recurrent theme in the work on this project has been a lack of described examples of how the field of application for load-bearing construction elements can be applied and utilised in Denmark.
The potential for increasing the use of timber load-bearing construction elements will be present in densification, where building is carried out on top of and for existing constructions and in traditional construction.

Read more about the project in the report here (Danish)
The InnoBYG Spire Project: Densified construction with light materials The project ran from: 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2015.