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The IMPROVER project will develop guidelines and methods to make critical infrastructures less vulnerable in the face of a disaster.

The project is divided into three phases: 

Gather concepts and experience at international level
Select, evaluate and use the concepts in realistic environments (living labs)
Develop EU guidelines and methods for critical infrastructures

DBI leads two work areas. The first area includes the entire phase 1 of the project, in which DBI organises workshops and interviews, perform a literature survey and develop a glossary of definitions. The second is a dissemination task.

DBI also takes part in four other work areas, in which DBI e.g. contributes to the development of scenarios, defines methods from business continuity management and takes part in living labs.

Business partner

  • RISE Sweden
  • Institut National de l’Environnement et des RISques, France
  • University of Sheffield, UK
  • RISE Norway
  • INOV INESC INOVAÇÃO –Instituto de Novas Tecnologias, Portugal
  • University College London, UK
  • Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre, France
  • Universitet i Tromsø, Norway
  • Joint Research Centre Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen (JRC), Belgium

The project is financed under the Horizon 2020 programme and runs from 1 June 2015 to 31 May 2018.

Improver develops guidelines and methods to make critical infrastructures more resilient in the face of a disaster. The project ran from: 1 June 2015 to 30 September 2018