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Uncovering of challenges, opportunities and approval processes for Danish and Norwegian operators within Power-to-X.

Power-to-X (P2X) can be seen as the key to a comprehensive green transition and climate neutral future.  But one thing is the future. How do Danish and Nordic companies, authorities and local operators respond to this development? Which push factors and barriers are at stake in the P2X eco system, and what about risk assessments and security in the new technologies and infrastructures – is there an overview of the way to go?

Both DBI and Norwegian NTNU Samfunnsforskning (NTNU Social Research) would like to know more about that! Therefore, we have formed a collaboration and interviewed more than 20 key stakeholders in the P2X value chain across companies, authorities and institutions in both Norway and Denmark, in order to map out their experience with policies and approval processes within P2X. We have interviewed comparable operators in both countries in a “mirror” study. These “mirror interviews” give us deeper insight into how risk and security for P2X is assessed across the countries, what we can learn from each other, which challenges there are, and how these can be coped with to the benefit of the green transition.

The project runs from April to December 2021, and will result in recommendations on how to better understand and navigate approval processes in association with P2X. This way we can help make hydrogen production and operation easier, more transparent and frictionless.

Project result

challenges, opportunities and approval processes for operators within Power-to-X. The project runs from: 2 September 2021 to 2 September 2022

Project Lead
Mette Marie V. Karsten
Lead Anthropologist (PhD)