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SOS project

The aim of the project was to develop business opportunities and growth through ICT-based services, and to disseminate the technologies and working methods to other sectors which face equivalent types of challenges, such as home help and cleaning.

Business partners

  • Research partners: Centre For Service Research, Karlstad University.
  • Industry organisations: DI Service and Sikkerhedsbranchen.
  • Authorities: Police knowledge centre.
  • Industry: Various companies and the industry cluster CenSec.

In conjunction with the SOS project, DBI and the Alexandra Institute gathered knowledge from a number of expert persons who typically work with service innovation at project manager level. They were all asked to describe their experience with innovation in operational service enterprises, both in their current and previous employment roles.


You can read more here about the survey's results: Read '11 views of service innovation' here. (In Danish)

SOS project The project ran from: 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2012