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The purpose of the COMPASS project was to facilitate the design process for passenger vessels in lightweight composites for shipyards, suppliers and shipping companies, in accordance with the applicable SOLAS Rule 17 - Alternative design and arrangements. The purpose was also to facilitate the approval process for the approving authorities of civil vessels with lightweight composite components. The authorities will evaluate whether the alternative design has at least the same level of safety as a design executed in accordance with the prescriptive regulations described in SOLAS II-2. This is a demonstration project, based on a Scandlines ferry, whereby the vessel's superstructure is optimised in terms of weight by using lightweight composites, rather than steel.

The project took place in close cooperation with DTU Mechanical Engineering and DTU Civil Engineering, whereby DTU handled the cold design, i.e. the structural conditions, while DBI served as project coordinator and also handled hot design, i.e. the fire safety aspects. The project was concluded by drawing up guidelines to describe the conditions for using lightweight composite materials without undermining safety onboard the ferry.

The project has received financial support from the Maritime Transformation Pool under the Danish Maritime Authority, as well as the Danish Maritime Fund.

Read more about the projects results here:
Compass Guidelines
Compass endelig rapport
COMPASS The project ran from: 1 January 2014 to 30 September 2016

Project Lead
Carsten Møller
Senior Business Developer Maritime