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Results and conclusions from DBI’s Power-to-X Performance Contract

From 2021–2024, DBI is working strategically with Power-to-X (P2X) to contribute to the green transition and help industries, authorities, and the broader society reach both Danish and international climate goals.

The transition requires changes at all levels, including P2X-related safety considerations from production, storage, and distribution to handling, operation, training, and evacuation.

But the transition also requires immediate action.

It is essential that we uncover challenges early and work focused on reducing the time-to-market for new products and technologies.

DBI is ready to contribute to this work by helping to ensure and document appropriate levels of safety at all relevant stages of the value chain.

As a GTS institute, our work with P2X has received financial support from the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science, with a focus on the generation and dissemination of knowledge about P2X and the development of technological services for the industry.

You can read more about this at

As part of this research and development project, we want to share the knowledge we gain along the way.

Below you can see an overview of selected conclusions and reports from our work.

If you are looking for specific results from a specific P2X project, you can find this on the other project-specific pages.

You are also very welcome to contact us if you would like to know more or have an idea for a project.

Read the Media Screening Update 2023

Contain The projects run from January 2021 – December 2024


Thomas Hulin Head of Energy and Transport, PhD
Mette Marie V. Karsten Lead Anthropologist (PhD)
Jorge Contreras-Cardeño Head of impact area Resilience
Jesper Sjørvad Function Leader
Carsten Møller Senior Business Developer Maritime