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Network for special detection of fires

Companies and organisations protect themselves from fire in order to protect lives and assets. A key aspect of fire prevention comprises sensors to detect fires. Yet in a number of situations, today's detectors cannot meet companies' needs. This project seeks to cover these needs by creating a network in which customers and suppliers can meet and create innovative shared solutions.

A characteristic of special detection is that the alarm owner has a special need for fire protection, such as outdoor detection, detection in dusty environments, or detection of specially hazardous cargoes, etc. These areas all have a special need for precise and early detection of fires, since in these environments fires can have disastrous consequences for the company and society.

Special fire detection can be described as an intelligent approach to fire prevention. The solutions provide alarm owners with rapid alarms and information on any potential fires. There is also focus on avoiding the number of false alarms by developing solutions for the specific (often aggressive) environment.

In this project, DBI collaborates with the marine engineering colleges in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Fredericia to create a network that involves education, GTS and the business community. The aim is to share knowledge and needs, and promote innovation for the special detectors of the future. Danish companies with a particular interest in special detection will also be involved actively in innovation activities, in order to meet the challenges faced by the business community. The project's focus on emphasising the advantages of special detection will give the cooperating enterprises increased insights into how new technology can resolve their individual challenges.
Network for special detection of fires The project ran from: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018
Aleksander Vangsgaard

Project Lead
Aleksander Vangsgaard

Giorgio Marinelli

Project Lead
Giorgio Marinelli