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Frequently asked questions about Argos®

  • Which operating systems are supported?
    Argos® can run on most Windows systems, including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server and Windows Vista (please note the next paragraph regarding the Argos Help system in Vista).
    The user needs administrator privileges in order to install the program but the program can be run with normal user rights.

  • Why won't Argos® start?
    This can be caused by a firewall blocking the Firebird database which Argos® uses to store data or because the Firebird database is not started. Please see the following link, Argos® and Firewalls.

  • Why can't Argos® find the Protection dongle when using a floating license key?
    Please make sure that the UDP protocol for port 475 is open between the computer running the HASP License manager (the license server) and the computer running Argos (the client).

  • Why do I get ISC ERROR CODE:335544721, ISC ERROR MESSAGE: Unable to complete network request to host ?
    Similar to the previous answer. This can be caused by a firewall blocking the Firebird database which Argos® uses to store data or that the Firebird database is not started. Please see the following link, Argos® and Firewalls.

  • When should I change to Firebird instead of Interbase as the database program?
    We recommend changing to Firebird if the computer used has two processors or if the processor is a hyperthreading processor (newer pentium 4 processors). Also see changes in Argos® 4.12.24 for more details.

  • How do I install Firebird on a computer where Interbase is already installed ?
    First go into Interbase Manager in the control panel. Press the STOP button. Uninstall Interbase via the add/remove programs. Run the Argos® installation from the CD or from a file and make sure to check the box for Firebird during the installation. Do not check the box for Database, which would overwrite your existing data.

  • How much memory does Argos® require?
    The program requires 32 MB of memory. If the Firebird database is installed on another machine, the memory requirements are only 16 MB.

  • Can Argos® for DOS and Argos® for Windows coexist on the same machine?
    Yes, they can. The programs do not need to be installed in any particular order.

  • Can the dongle for the DOS version of Argos® be used with the Windows version of Argos®?
    Yes, it can. Both the DOS version and the Windows version of Argos® use the same type of dongle. (HASP-3 or HASP-4 dongle).

  • Can the database be shared among several users?
    Yes, several users can share the same database without additional costs. A paper describing this, Argos® Server Installation Guide, can be downloaded under Documentation.

  • Can a client file be copied?
    Yes, this is a new feature since Argos® 4.5

  • When does Argos® change from using a 1-zone model to a 2-zone model?
    Argos® calculates the temperature of the ceiling jet to determine when to switch from a 1-zone model to a 2-zone model. The temperature calculation is based on the distance from the fire to the room corner furthest away from the fire. This distance is called "Max. distance". If the temperature is 20 degrees Celsius above the ambient temperature, the program changes to a 2-zone model and a smoke layer is formed. In order to form a smoke layer instantaneously, set this distance to 0.01 m.

  • Where can air be taken from when using automatic fire ventilation?
    The air can be taken from any opening in the walls, e.g. a door, but air can also be drawn from an adjacent fire ventilation opening.

  • Can the safety distance from a fire be determined?
    This function can by activated by pressing the button Fire graphs, when a fire has been selected in the database.

  • Can a Fail Criterion be set for glass windows?
    It is very difficult to determine when a window will break. In double-glazed windows, often only one sheet of glass will break, whereas single-glazed windows are more likely to fail. A simple model has been added to Argos® since version 4.12.24, please see the changes in Argos® 4.12.24 for details.

  • Can a report from Argos® be moved into a Word document?
    Yes, this is now possible. Reports can be printed to a normal printer or printed as a pdf-file with the build-in pdf-writer in Argos® or printed as RTF-file, which can be opened by Word.

  • What version is the current version of Argos® ?
    Please see the download page.

Updated 1. September 2008
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