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Sustainable Housing Concept Based on Plastic Waste

The focus in future construction will be characterized by new biobased or circular solutions. Some waste types, such as plastic, have a relatively low recycling rate and thus have great potential for upcycling.

In close collaboration with DBI and the Danish Technological Institute, WOHN A/S aims to develop a full-scale 3D printed design for housing modules based on recycled plastic fractions that possess both structural strength, integrity, and comply with applicable fire safety requirements. This project will enable the replacement of materials such as steel and concrete, resulting in a reduction of up to 80% in CO2 emissions for the housing construction.

DBI will provide consulting and conduct indicative tests to support the fire safety assessment of the housing modules' properties. This assessment, along with active fire protection measures, will determine whether the module can achieve an acceptable level of safety, making WOHN's housing solution ready for regulatory approval. The Danish Technological Institute will contribute to the development of the optimal print design and material mix, considering layer construction to achieve optimal strength and layer cohesion.

The project is funded as a Vidensbroprojekt with support from the Ministry of Education and Research (Uddannelses og Forskningsministeriet) through CLEAN.

The project ran from October 2021 to March 2022.

The project ran from October 2021 to March 2022.
Frederik Kruse

Project Lead
Frederik Kruse
Project Manager