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BIS - Fire technology innovation support

The purpose of the project was to make leading fire technology knowledge and laboratory facilities available to Danish companies. This will make Danish companies more competitive internationally as they will be able to develop new products and services for different markets more easily and quickly.

DBI participates in a number of national and international working groups to develop and change standards. As national and international laws, regulations and standards change, DBI publishes new or changed guidelines, guides and manuals relating to fire safety.

DBI also offers courses and seminars on the latest developments. In addition, DBI continually develops and evaluates laboratory facilities so that they will always be recognised internationally.

The project was part of DBI's result contract which ran from 2013-2015. DBI enters into a result contract with the Danish Agency for Research and Innovation at three-yearly intervals.
BIS - Fire technology innovation support The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2015

Project Lead
Carsten Damgaard
R&D Director