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The InnoBYG project "Fire and construction materials"

The purpose of the project was to build up and disseminate knowledge on how construction materials with weak fire technical properties, for example, plastic and foam materials, can be used while taking account of fire safety in the building.

The new knowledge will make it easier and less costly to introduce materials in new combinations. This will provide greater freedom of choice when it comes to choosing materials, particularly with regard to products that are flammable to a certain extent. This greater freedom of choice will provide new possibilities in terms of design and, as an added bonus, the price of certain products will fall.

The project focussed particularly on two specific areas, 'External facade cladding' and 'Sandwich constructions'. The intention was to establish a broad collaboration between manufacturers, consultants and contractors in order to ensure that the focus remained on relevance and commercial potential.

The project was co-financed by the Danish Council for Technology and Innovation.
The InnoBYG project "Fire and construction materials" The project ran from: 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013

Project Lead
Anders Dragsted
Head of Building Design