DBI works globally and our test reports are recognized world-wide by classification societies, Notified Bodies, US Coast Guard, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Russian River Register.
DBI carries out a wide range of classification tests of materials, components and structures for the maritime sector. We are accredited for fire testing by DANAK (the Danish Accreditation Fund) in accordance with DS/EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 and has a labelling permit from ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation).
Faster and more cost effective on the market
With DBI as your partner, you can speed up the development process and with specially developed tools for mini-scale testing, data analysis and simulation; our Advanced Services department can assist with product development. Our methods give you more knowledge about your products and increase the chances of passing a classification test.
We make a virtue of being flexible and always focusing on the customer’s needs. We adapt our team to your needs and you will always have a personal contact and direct access to our experienced engineers and technical experts.
If you are prevented from attending a test in person, or if a number of additional people want to participate from a remote location, tests can be live streamed by agreement via a password-protected link.
Under normal circumstances, and as long as we have received all the necessary documentation, our reporting time is approximately 14-days from completion of testing.
Furthermore, DBI’s accredited assessments reports can potentially reduce the number of tests you have to perform, thereby providing faster access to the market at a lower cost.